The Allure of the Simple Life...
Simple living is a vaporous idea , beyond the grasp of most people today in our fast pace, technology driven world. Think of the number of times that we don't even slow down enough to simply take a stroll outside, looking at our changing surroundings. I believe that Jane Austen's novels strike a chord in many of us regarding the simplicity, and slowness of the lives that the characters seem to live. The characters took walks, had gardens, visited the sea shore, wrote letters, visited friends. All of these things somehow seem to be a shadowy existence to us today. But one day recently, I slowed down and felt that I was doing an "Austen-ish" thing! I was outside raking leaves, when I cast a glance over at the wild flower beds in front of our home. It was a withering mess, with weeds, bent over long stems, dried seed pods, but still, gorgeous blooms peeking out here and there. I decided to retire the flower bed and "put it to bed" for the year.

Do you remember the
scene in the A & E version of Pride and Prejudice when Lizzy and Jane Bennet are in the garden with their baskets picking flowers, and Jane's famous line:
I shall be perfectly content … I shall be myself again …..
I love that scene...I guess because I love flower gardens and the simplicity of the scene.
So, here I am, slowing down on this warm, balmy November day, enjoying the beauty of a dying garden and making beautiful bouquets.
Saving seeds for next years garden!
Oh my little I avail myself to its simple pleasures!
This furry creature, Shadow, needs no lessons on slowing down, and enjoying the opportunity of an almost empty flower box! What about you? Have you had any simple pleasures lately? I enjoyed my break in routine to enjoy the beauty around me in Austen style and I will be including a package of seeds in forthcoming letters to friends, a reminder of a simple time.
Write Letters,
Write Often,
Lady Pamela