Thursday, January 12, 2017

Outgoing Austen Mail!

I've Been Busy....

Here is some of my recent Outgoing Austen Mail.  I am very behind on my letter writing, but I am slowly getting caught up.  Once I get started, I can hardly stop, it is so much fun!  I love every aspect of it, from the reading of YOUR letter , from  selecting/or making my stationery, penning a response, to making a lovely envelope...I love it all.

I even decided, during our snow storm, to burn the midnight oil.  It was so cozy sitting at my desk while snow was falling softly outside.  I love this desk, it is one of 5 that we have in our home.  But this is my favorite one.  Writing by candlelight is one of the most relaxing activities one can do.  Give it a try.

Here is a long overdue letter to Lady Anna.  She has been so patient and is such  a lovely correspondent.
It is going across  the pond to the great UK!

Tied with twine, sealed with wax.    I put these letters into clear cello bags.

This letter has a page from Pride and Prejudice...Nina, see if you can figure WHY I chose this particular scene out of P&P for you!  (Think of it as a bit of a riddle, but it is based on something you revealed to me in your last letter...about a Mr. Darcy!)

Lady Anna, Lady Alaina, Lady Nina, and Lady Virginia....these are on their way to your mail boxes.

If you have written me, I will be working on a response to you as well.

Write Letter ,
Write Often.

Lady Pamela


  1. I adore that photo of your desk. My own desk is a bit helter skelter and I have resorted to writing at my dressing table. I await your letter with anticipation!

    1. I only wish it STILL looked that great. I must be about tidying it up again today!

  2. Squee! Received today, and pretty as can be! XOXOX

    1. And yes, it is the perfect page from Pride and Prejudice... :-)

  3. Although I am not a member of your society I think of you and Anna when I come across such bits as this:


    1. Thank you so much for thinking of me! I really enjoyed the article. Thank you for sharing!

  4. I noticed you had a waiting list for letter writing. Is that still open? I would very much like to be on the waiting list.

    1. I am so sorry , Meagan, I was not able to manage a waiting list this time around like I intended. As a result, all applicants will be in the May exchange.

  5. I was looking for images of writing + Jane Austen and found your beautiful desk image, and your wonderful blog!

    I have been concerned about using sealing wax. I used it as a teenager, but now that everything is mechanized, I've been told that the wax seals get broken as the letter zooms through the machines to be sorted. Have you had this problem?

    1. Hello Patricia, Welcome, so glad you have discovered our little spot here on the sphere! I use the flexible sealing wax which is used for today's modern machinery I purchase mine from nostalgic impressions online. They do sell the traditional wax as well, so be sure to order the "flexible" wax. Hope this helps,

      Lady Pamela

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  10. On the website there is some information about Outgoing Austen Mail. It seems to be a blog and the person said that I am behind on my letter writing, but getting caught up. is enlightening many people. The time I started, I can hardly stop, it is so much fun.
