Wednesday, April 5, 2017

How To Set The Mood For Letter Writing...

Letter Writing Rituals...

Do you ever find yourself in a frame of mind where you just can't make yourself sit down and write a letter?  Did you know that writing a letter requires a great amount of mental energy? An article I read recently talked about the relationship between creativity and mental and physical energy ( article ).  It all made sense to me.    I guess what I need to say to myself is to SLOW DOWN.   I know it's cliche to say, "slow down and smell the roses"...but there is much wisdom in that saying.  The other morning, I was sitting in my living room with a cup of hot tea  just gazing out the window.  I don't know how long I sat there just gazing, but it was so peaceful and re energizing.  The above photo was taken after I got up.

So, Step 1. Slow down, clear your mind of "the tyranny of the immediate".  It also helps to make sure you are getting proper rest and nutrition. 

Step 2.  Declutter your work area.  "A cluttered workspace evokes a distracted mind." was straight out of the article.  For me, not only the immediate work area needs to be neat and tidy, but also the entire room.  

Step 3:  Have supplies at the ready.  I usually spend a craft session or two making envelopes, or the bones of  several flip books.  It is a good idea (if you make your own stationery) to also have plenty of that available ahead of time.  I like to rubber stamp my sheets, but wouldn't that take an immense  amount of time if you were going through that process for each letter?  I also try to have "happy mail" packets ready to go.  I truly dislike searching everywhere for supplies.  It is draining .

Along with general supplies, stationery, envelopes,  stickers are a nice touch, and require no artistic talent.

Step 4:  Let's not forget to stop and take a break for tea!  A little refreshment along the way will recharge you!

Along with step 3, and having some "happy mail" (little paper gifts such as stickers, die cuts, etc. that you can share with your pen friend), be on the look out for items to "enclose" in your letter.  I found these sturdy scripture cards that I have started to enclose with  my letters.  

Once you have finished your letter by putting it in the envelope and sealing it up,  you may find it evokes a sense of accomplishment. For me, that includes the thought that  I was able to give the gift of a letter to someone.  This gift not only  was a tangible item of which I may have spent quite a bit of time creating, but it is a gift in another way.  It is a gift of my time in which I have  focused solely on them.  

Thinking about all of these things, makes me more aware of how I might learn to be more productive in my life in general, not just in letter writing.  I hope it has helped you too.   Please leave your comments below, and be a part of this conversation!  I would love to hear from you!

Write Letters,
Write Often,

Lady Pamela


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